Paperless Life

Ponte Vedra Life

Treasury time marches on

by | Oct 1, 2023 | Learn

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Well folks, we are one step closer to e-dom. Let me put my Treasurer hat on for this article.

The other day, the SPVCA received an interesting piece of snail mail. It was a certified letter stamped Nuisance Notice from the City of Jacksonville Municipal Code Compliance Division. I didn’t open it. You see, it was addressed to a business at Sawgrass Drive. I promptly texted a picture of it to our tenant to prove that I did not lose that important piece of mail he never received months ago.

I’m not even surprised anymore. It feels like a gamble to put an important envelope in a mailbox. My HOA puts it writing: We strongly discourage sending dues by USPS. Our longstanding cleaning lady forbid me to mail her check. Is stray mail enough reason to start paying our Association bills electronically? No, but:

  • The IRS is trying to require it.
  • The Florida Division of Corporations requires it.
  • Waste Management will waive $102 per year for paperless billing and autopay.
  • A Chase credit card would give us $87 per year cash-back on the Comcast bill. Gosh, what if our whopping insurance bill could qualify for a reward?
  • I’m already receiving digital dues payments from members through Zelle, and some volunteers are receiving reimbursements the same way.
  • Digital records are a lot easier to share among volunteers working from home.

If we are already digitaling some things, what would be different in the SPVCA office?

Digital Records

The Disbursements and Deposits binders will no longer be waiting for your perusal on the desk at the clubhouse. Did you even know they were there? I know, I know, you were all standing in line waiting to rifle through those printed pages. Instead, members may ask the treasurer or any board member for a PDF copy, which is stored in OneDrive.


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