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The Sound of Freedom

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Learn, Paperless Causes

Thumbs-up icon painted like the American flag.

This year on July 4, I plan to do as I always do: sit on my porch with a nice beverage and watch the three sets of fireworks that span my horizon. After a while, I’ll pick up my phone.

“Hey Google.”

“Beep. Hi, how can I help?”

“Why do we watch fireworks?”

“According to the Encyclopedia Britannica…”

Encyclopedia Britannica. Remember when those were delivered by a moving van for $1,500-$2,000? How am I getting it for free by the mere sound of my voice?

You know what else I got for free? The skill of dissecting fireworks to get the strontium out so I could make a red flame. I learned that trick from Anne Helmenstein on About.com. That, and the ol’ squeeze an orange peel at a candle.

You know what else I got for free? Enough chemistry instruction to pass the teacher certification exam for high-school chemistry. I got that from Sal. He made YouTube videos for his niece and nephew to help them through school. I bumped into them over and over as I Googled electron configuration and whatnot. They weren’t high-tech videos, that’s for sure. They were just him drawing with a stylus on an iPad, telling fun stories about atoms as he drew. He was such a lifesaver that I wanted to send him cookies when I passed the certification exam.

Turns out, I wasn’t the only one eavesdropping on Sal’s family tutorials. Bill Gates bumped into them while trying to help his son with homework. Bill didn’t send cookies. Bill sent a wad of cash. He wanted Sal to quit his day job and keep making educational videos. Which Sal did. Now we have KhanAcademy.org, founded by Salman Khan and funded by Bill Gates. No matter how crappy your Chemistry teacher is, you can always get better education for free online.

You know who doesn’t get free education?

“Hey Google.”

“Beep. Hi, how can I help?”

“Are we at war?”

“I’m sorry. I am not allowed to use that word.”

Bombs bursting in air is a reality for Ukraine. It’s a “special operation” for Russians, and a possibility for us. The entire world is in danger of one deranged person’s decision to go nuclear. All because average citizens are content with their government blocking free education.

This July 4, will you commit to supporting open education? It doesn’t take a Bill Gates sized donation. It only takes enough “likes” and “shares” to get your favorite creators in the money. Every vote counts.

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